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i) Packing Salt Fish           2013 - 2016
for the summer season 2019

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So Great Multitudes of certeyne bigge fisshes that they sumtymes stayed my shippes - from Cabots' ship log (diptych)

oil on canvas

80" x 40"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS

slit  gutted  iced 

oil on canvas (triptych with piano hinges)

72" x 36"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS



Three Graces

oil on canvas

80" x 40"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS

Talk is Cheap but Fish is Scarce

oil on canvas

80" x 40"



*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS


ecce feminae: Angelus at the fish packing shed (diptych)

oil on canvas

80" x 60"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS


(ecce feminae (behold the woman)  as opposed to ecce homo  by  Martinez - behold the man)


The angel has been reinterpreted in my paining. The original is in the restored National Gallery Rideau Convent Chapel. She is a wooden sculpture carved by a Quebec artist: Henri Angers called Angel Holding a Legend., polychrome pine,  1906 -1909 'God counts the days living in a state of grace' inscription missing now - I replaced the Legend with passages from Revelations which I thought noteworthy.


The carvings were made in the spirit of the old carvings of "yesteryear" using  gold leaf gilding.

we have bitten the lips of the divine

(triptych with piano hinges)

oil on canvas

60" x 36"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS

(The title is a biblical reference)

The Landwash (diptych)

oil on canvas

96" x 40"



(no tax - shipping costs responsibility of buyer)

*Photographed by Lisa Buchanan, Buchanan Gallery, Shelburne, NS

(The landwash is the strip of land washed by the ocean)

NOTES  - catch as catch can

These paintings were born from visiting a small outfit of fish packers in SW Nova Scotia to buy a bit of fish for dinner. I saw that nearly everyone was a woman in the small shed. I found this to be intriguing and decided on a series of large paintings, in heroic format. I wanted to show the pretty much invisible work going on along the coast. They work alongside each other up to their ankles in water with their rubber boots on and work gloves on slitting, gutting, icing sorting and packing the catch for the day. 


I also wanted to use text, motifs and metaphors to describe their work historically and within the community. It was a wonderful series to work on.. I spent months researching paintings back to the middle ages to help set the stage. I sat down at the end of each day to keep a journal for the duration of the project and captured all my research and changes to paintings and thoughts and ideas and murmurings. I think it amounted nearly or over 400 pages of works in progress, text and references.


I received a Canada Council Grant for subsistence for this work as well as a Nova Scotia Individual Artists Grant for materials.


© Copyright by Su Rogers - all images are copyrighted by the artist (that would be me) and cannot be used without my permission. Please contact me if you are interested in using any images and we can work out an arrangement. With thanks.
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